Yoga therapy, classes coaching, workshops and retreats


“Patricia’s yoga nidra is wonderful and I feel everyone needs to experience it. You come away feeling deeply relaxed and with a sense of inner peace. Your whole body and mind feel clearer and at ease. Patricia has a beautiful energy and calming voice, and relaxing my whole body in a safe space has helped with my anxiety.”

“I find Yoga Nidra has many benefits. It helps to calm me if I feel stressed and clears my mind completely during the practice. I feel very relaxed afterwards and I sleep much better so that all in all my mental and physical energy improves, especially if I take part on a regular basis.”

Monday Monthly Deep Relaxation – via zoom

Enjoy an hour of deep relaxation in the comfort of your own home, and then use the recording as many times as you like for the rest of the month.

Modern life can be exhausting so it is really important to take regular time out to completely rest and recharge. Why wait until the end of the week when you are already exhausted?  Monday nights are the perfect time to nip the stress in the bud before it has time to get established and to set you up for the week ahead.

This kind of relaxation is often referred to as ‘psychic sleep’, because it releases stress at an emotional level leaving you feeling peaceful and rested. People who practice regularly report improvements to their sleep and an ability to cope better with day to day challenges.

Sessions are delivered via zoom – you do not need to watch, just to listen so you can use a phone or computer, and you can sit in a chair or lie on your bed as suits you best.  I hope you will join me for a class soon.
Any questions contact: or 07860 581108 

Next dates:
Monday 9 September 7.30pm – 8.30pm £12 or 1 Yoga Pass Credit BOOK NOW
Monday 7 October 7.30pm – 8.30pm £12 or 1 Yoga Pass Credit BOOK NOW
Friday 8th November 7.30pm – 8.30pm £12 or 1 Yoga Pass Credit BOOK NOW
Monday 9 December 7.30pm – 8.30pm £12 or 1 Yoga Pass Credit BOOK NOW